In this 2 day workshop we will explore how music and comedy co-exist, and how having a sense of both can lead us into new and totally original comedic and musical territory.

Using the principles of clown, (which will be familiar to students of Spymonkey’s work), vulnerability, generosity, pleasure, optimism, complicity - we will explore these things and more:

We will explore Pleasure!

The clown’s pleasure of being ridiculous on stage, of playing with our friends, of performing music together, of pursuing grand ambitions, of unlikely choices, of aiming high, of making terrible mistakes and of failing woefully! 

And the pleasure of making an audience laugh their socks off.

Who is this course for?

Anyone who is interested in exploring the intersection between music, rhythm, and comedy! This course is an introduction to Spymonkey clown work, specifically targeted at musicians, opera singers and musical theatre performers who want to explore music and clown, and discover their unique comedic selves.

We welcome musicians and performers of all disciplines, from opera singers and triple threat musical theatre performers to cabaret entertainers, variety acts, concert violinists, dub poets and street musicians. And everything in between. Experienced clowns with an interest in music are also welcome to enroll.

Music has always played a huge part in the Spymonkey creative process - we think early on in our writing about what the show might offer in the way of deliciously inappropriate original songs, musical theatre genres that we want to explore, unlikely cover versions of existing songs, speciality variety acts, original music in a range of genres and styles to inspire us to new choreographic heights, sound effects that establish their own theatrical conventions.


DATE: Saturday & Sunday, October 26th & 27th



*Sign up for Spymonkey’s 2-week creation school, and take Clown for Musicians for a reduced rate of $225

CAPACITY: Maximum 20 participants


 “Music and Clown have always existed side by side for me, the one feeding the other. As we’ve started working intensively with musicians as part of our directing and teaching, we’ve realized how useful our work can be in opening up new ways of being on stage, new ways of being true to our comedic performing selves. This is the first time I’ve offered this workshop in New York. I’m excited to see what brilliant, mad, strange concoctions of music and theatre we come up with! How much of a musician or clown I leave in your court - you won’t need to know how to play or sing with any degree of proficiency to stretch your musical and comedic sensibilities and create new work unique to you.” - Toby Park


"The music and comedy workshop with Spymonkey is absolutely glorious! I can't recommend it enough. I have been teaching Drama for 12 years and this is the best workshop I have done on both a personal and professional level. It changed my teaching and it changed my life. It may not change yours -  but at least you'll have a walloping good time!” 

Jess Gill head of drama, St Mary's School Hertfordshire

“As a writer, words are my ammunition. Without them and armed only with your face and physicality, it can feel strange - scary even -  but under Toby Park’s magical guidance I began to push through the boundaries. With the use of funny improv exercises, discussions and musical instruments, a group of us performed songs and one man acts to a hell of a lot of laughter. I left the Toynbee studios feeling I’d shed 15 years of my life. If you ever get a chance to embark on a Spymonkey clowning workshop - be brave and jump at it - no red noses or big flappy feet required.” 

Gemma Rogers UK, singer/songwriter & performer